iMX6 Rex as Open Source Gaming Platform?

As mentioned in Today’s, we work together with Mosaic3DX to bring to you a platform for 3D gaming:

electronics-weekly-logo-top_new_150pxI am hoping that we can promote this combination of open hardware and open software to a wide range of technical audience in the UK, in Europe, and the rest of the world; specially those who are interested in applications which require 3D graphics,” said Ramin Zaghi, founder and co-organiser, Cambridge Game Creators Network, which is behind the Mosaic3DX event. Read the full article here >>

NXP Microcontroller firmware update from iMX6

iMX6 Rex with NXP MCU 680px

Preparing for our new Robot project :) The Robot will have both – iMX6 Rex and NXP LPC1769 connected together.

We have successfully tested firmware upload from iMX6 Rex to NXP LPC1769 microcontroller via lpc21isp. The iMX6 Rex was running Linux and an LPCXpresso board was connected to our CMOS Serial port connector (J31). To control Reset# and ISP# we used GPIO pins from I2C GPIO expander (J6). More information at Connecting iMX6 Rex with NXP Microcontroller >>